Latest Projects

This page contains a list of all the recent metal roofing projects we have undertaken. Some pages contain multiple projects for similar materials.


Rheinzink Roof Project, London

Rheinzink Roof Project, London This is a recently undertake project for a Rheinzink Roof installation in East London.. We often work with all types of Rheinzink roofing systems.
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Lead Roof Extension, Chelsea

Lead Roof Extension In St Johns Wood Surrey Zinc Ltd are one of the most experienced metal roofing contractors with lead roofing. This is a recent lead roof extension in St Johns Wood, Chelsea.
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Lead Bin Shed, Finchley, London

Lead Bin Shed, Finchley, London Code 5 lead with wood roll at centres of 600 mm. Lead has been bossed (worked) around the wood roll which has been cut at a 45 degree angle (seen in...